Thursday, April 16, 2009

flights of angels sing thee to thy rest

It's 1:30 in the morning and I am trying really hard to be tired. I can't figure out why I'm not sleeping. I drank a glass of Cranergy (supposedly a cranberry energy drink) before bed, but I didn't think the all-natural energy in a bottle would really have that much affect on me. It must be something else. Like the hives that have appeared the past 7 nights and itch until I take antihistamines to fall asleep. I have no antihistamines. Maybe that's the reason.

What if I've developed an allergy to my teddy bear? That's like developing an allergy to love.

My roommate is softly snoring. People who make noises in their sleep amuse me. I'm glad all I do is giggle and carry on half-lucid conversations in my sleep.

I don't really have anything to say, hence the months of absent posts prior to this. Tomorrow promises to be an exceedingly long and tiring day, and I'll most likely only get about five hours of sleep, if I fall asleep really fast after I post this. Which I most likely won't. But that's just the optimist in me speaking.

I think I would rather spend a blue-sky day in Chicago than eat all the chocolate covered raisins in the world. And that is saying a lot.

Millenium Park

I am now going to make another attempt to sleep. Please do not be alarmed. I am a trained professional.


  1. Heather, you make my heart smile. Too bad I did know you were up or you and I could have had a party. I had almost as much trouble falling asleep last night as you did. Maybe they did something to the water here.

  2. Last night I dreamt that you were throwing up into a bag.
