Tuesday, December 11, 2007

a wish your heart makes

I think I get more excited over the idea of things than the things themselves. I was just thinking about how much I want to own a bookstore, live in an apartment, own a cat with a literary name, read books while it's snowing outside, drive over to Mom's to bake cookies for whatever church function is happening that night....But what about the things I don't take into account? How much responsibility will it be to own my own bookstore? How much work will it take? Paying rent and bills and cleaning out the kitty litter - maybe I won't even have time to read while it snows (maybe it won't even snow!) and I'll be too tired to bake. My, imagining is fun. But that's exactly what imagining is: thinking about things that aren't real or true or haven't happened or won't happen. But I do like to think about it, even if it is unrealistic. If I didn't have these "unrealistic" dreams about my future, I would feel very much like I was wasting my time in Accounting and Small Business Management and How to Be a Grown-Up 101. (I wish that was a real class.)

Amidst the 72-degree weather here in Kentucky, it's snowing 5 inches in Wisconsin. I want very much to go home for Christmas now. I have a strong urge to read something Nathaniel Hawthorne, but maybe that's another one of those "ideas" that I won't really like once I get a hold of.

Happiness is celebrating the little things - my Dove chocolate holiday wrapper

1 comment:

  1. I wondered whether your imaginings ever took a pessimistic turn, like mine do. Just think about our imaginings of marriage, and then compare them to the reality. Sigh.
    No, I'm kidding. I'm sure every day my husband will wake me up with a fresh pot of Cheerios and a foot massage.
    I like your posts, Heather (except of course when they go against my feminism). I'm sorry I don't comment as much as I'd like, but I hate when stupid blogger doesn't accept my i.d. and password.
