Wednesday, January 9, 2008

reflections of a college student on break

I feel like I'm on death row. I'm trying to get shove all this stuff in before my time is up. I've set a reading limit of 200 pages a day so I can finish The Woman in White before I go back to school. (It's a phenomenal book, by the way. I just can't sing its praises enough.) I'm eating all I can because I know once I get back to school it's Cheerios and stolen milk from the cafeteria. What's that? Someone just gave us home-shot deer sausage? I'm not hungry, it's ten o'clock at night, I've eaten an entire continent already today...but give it to me anyway. (It was phenomenal. Praises, praises, praises.) Maybe I should start setting my alarm at intervals during the night so I can wake up and eat. Deer.

What do you think zebra tastes like?

I think the best part about staying in your pajamas all day is that you don't have to change into them again at night. You're already in them. And if you fall asleep during the day and confuse the night with the doesn't matter. You're in your pajamas.

I met a man at the bank today who made me pretty excited to be opening an account there, if you know what I'm sayin'.

The other day my dad began asking my advice on a dilemma he's facing at work as I sat on my makeshift window seat (my grandpa's WWII army chest that is now home to notebooks full of poetry and pretty stationary with bunnies having tea on it instead of the kraut lugers and bullet-dented helmets it once housed [actually not really, my grandpa was a dentist stationed in Pennsylvania during WWII, but unfortunately the bunnies having tea on my stationary really is a reality]), but I accidentally drifted off, looking at my books on my bookshelf. I heard the majority of what he said but I didn't have any response for him when he stopped talking.
He looked at me in mock belittling. "Are you 21 yet? Do you know anything?"
I simply shook my head. But boy, I can't wait for all that knowledge that comes with turning 21. (These days "knowledge" is code for alcohol, most likely.) 9 more months until I can down a pint of knowledge.

Today my mom came home from wherever it was she went (I'm dazed most of the day, except for when I'm eating) and asked if I'd heard the sirens.
"No..." I said, looking at her over my book. I had just woken up from a nap, and apparently slept through a house on fire down the street. I probably would have slept through our own house on fire, and only mildly complained out of my delirium for Mom to turn the heat down. Except she can't. Because I'm on fire. But at least I got a good nap in. And I'm already in my pajamas! So even death isn't really that bad.

One day between Christmas and New Year's we went to the Chinese restaurant and my fortune in my fortune cookie said, "You will step on the soils of many countries." I liked that fortune. THAT'S a fortune, not those stupid things that say like, "Beauty is red like a rose bleeding love." What the heck. (I just made that up. But I wonder if you can submit fortunes to be put into cookies, because that's a winner.) My brother and/or dad (they're interchangeable sometimes) said that I was stepping on foreign soil right now because the employees had mud from China on their shoes and had tracked it across the floor...anyway. The next week we went to the Chinese restaurant again (our arteries weren't crying loud enough for us to hear) and my fortune from my fortune cookie said, "You will step on the soils of many countries." What do you think that means? Can God speak through fortune cookies?

I also think it's fantastic when you're watching a foreign movie with English subtitles and you can't hear what they're saying so you turn up the volume. It doesn't matter, though. They're speaking Japanese. You can't understand them, anyway.

Taking pills labeled "colon flush" makes me nervous.

I'm tired, and luckily I'm already in my pajamas. I planned ahead this morning when I considered getting dressed. I thought, "No, because I'll be going to bed tonight." Always thinking ahead.

1 comment:

  1. This was hilarious. "And I'm already in my pajamas! So even death isn't really that bad."

    Tell me about this bank man. Are you going to /rob/ him of his heart? Get it?

    I believe in fortune cookies the same way I believe in Santa that I really do believe in both.

    This was funny: "Maybe I should start setting my alarm at intervals during the night so I can wake up and eat. Deer."

    I think zebra tastes like turkey laced with black licorice.
