Thursday, February 21, 2008

it's a new day

February is almost over, and I'm glad. There's something about this month that I don't like. It kind of feels like the mud that remains after the snow of Christmas melts, and the flowers of Easter have yet to bloom. Plus, once it's March, spring break is just around the corner, and then it's Boston and Mark Twain for 10 days.

My parents are sending me a package in the mail, full of coffee supplies and holiday treats. ("The Valentine's stuff I got for half off, because I went in the day after Valentine's Day." My mom's such the little money-saver.) It'll be the first package they've ever sent me in my year and a half of college life. I'm so excited. ("There's a package in this box that wasn't supposed to be opened, but Dad didn't know that and helped himself. But I'm sending it anyway.") She's also sending me Toy Story, upon request, and finally my addiction-like desire to watch that movie can subside. No wonder so many alcoholics fall off the wagon.

I've been getting up early every other day to "run" on the elliptical machine at the Luce. I love the quiet mornings before the campus has awoken. The sky looks so pale and fresh, like a pastel fleece baby blanket before it's been soiled or worn. The whole day is like freshly fallen snow, with no footprints in it and endless possibilities of snow forts and snowmen. Wow, the similes are abounding this morning.

The best part of waking up, is similes in your cup.

1 comment:

  1. The best part of waking going right back to sleep!
    That's true, I like that.
