Tuesday, October 7, 2008


It makes me sad that someone stole my iron. My last name is printed in big purple letters down the side, so unless someone else has the same big purple last name as I do and took it by mistake, there is no reason why he should have stolen my iron.

It also makes me sad that the books the library sold in their book sale had "DISCARD" stamped in the inside cover. It's like going to an orphanage and stamping "DISCARD" all over the children. How would you like it blatantly printed across your forehead that you're not wanted?

It makes me happy that this weekend I'm going "home" to see my parents and my friends, the latter of which I haven't seen since May and don't know when I'll see again. Next weekend is Vineyard Community Church's "Vinefest" (with hay rides and tackle football and grilled foods), and the weekend after that is a possible Chicago trip with Leiza. Yay.

It also makes me happy that it's autumn, and I wrote an ode to the way the football field looks when the sun is setting on it and casts shadows to the 30-yard line. Glistening helmets, spiraling pigskins, you look happy to meet me.

The chapel speaker yesterday tried to convince us that a relationship with God is not enough, and we, as humans, need human relationships. I was not pleased as he continuously looked out at the auditorium and stated, "God is not enough!" If that's the case, what kind of God is He, who can't fulfill all our needs with only Himself? Not a god I'd want to serve.

Epitomes of autumn in which I have to this moment participated:
~ Anne of Green Gables
~ homemade apple pie
~ ubiquitous pumpkin
~ the marriage of cinnamon and my senses
~ leaf crunching
~ football
~ season premieres of Pushing Daisies, The Office, and House
blue skies smiling at me; nothing but blue skies do I see

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it,
and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth
seeking the successive autumns.
~ George Elliot

((Not quite as good as my ode to football...but okay nonetheless.))


  1. I just got back from a BarlowGirl concert. They sang "My God's Enough." I believed them.

    I liked what you said about having so much to learn from God, that you would have plenty to keep you company even if you never got married.

    I didn't like the premiere of /Pushing Daisies/.

    How will you get to Chicago? Car/train/plane/bus?

    During the Saints game on Monday, our runningback had TWO punt returns for a touchdown. Count 'em, TWO. He actually almsot had three, but then he tripped over his own feet. And then we lost the game and I don't want to talk about it.

  2. I get to see you soon! Remember when you thought he said "you look happy to me, to me."

    My professor got this really hilarious look on his face that said "are you serious?" and told her to bring two next week.

    I'm sorry you like history so much. No one should have to like it.

    How do you know it was a he that stole your iron?

    Last but not least, The Office is hilaaaarious. We'll discuss this in person, I'm sure.

  3. It isn't that a "he" took my iron, it's called pronoun agreement. Because "someone" is singular, I cannot say "they" stole my iron, because that's plural. And the whole "he/she" thing is way too politically correct for me.
